【IT168 专稿】在中,我们学习了Mongodb的安装和初步使用,在本文中,将学习如何使用Java去编程实现对Mongodb的操作。
package com.mkyong.core; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; /** * Java + MongoDB Hello world Example * */ public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // 实例化Mongo对象,连接27017端口 Mongo mongo = new Mongo( " localhost " , 27017 ); // 连接名为yourdb的数据库,假如数据库不存在的话,mongodb会自动建立 DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); // Get collection from MongoDB, database named "yourDB" // 从Mongodb中获得名为yourColleection的数据集合,如果该数据集合不存在,Mongodb会为其新建立 DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " yourCollection " ); // 使用BasicDBObject对象创建一个mongodb的document,并给予赋值。 BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " id " , 1001 ); document.put( " msg " , " hello world mongoDB in Java " ); // 将新建立的document保存到collection中去 collection.insert(document); // 创建要查询的document BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.put( " id " , 1001 ); // 使用collection的find方法查找document DBCursor cursor = collection.find(searchQuery); // 循环输出结果 while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(cursor.next()); } System.out.println( " Done " ); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } 最后,输出的结果为:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dbe5596dceace565d229dc3 " } , " id " : 1001 , " msg " : " hello world mongoDB in Java " } Done
DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " yourCollection " ); 如果你不知道collection的名称,可以使用db.getCollectionNames()获得集合,然后再遍历,如下:
DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); Set collections = db.getCollectionNames(); for (String collectionName : collections){ System.out.println(collectionName); } 完成的一个例子如下:
package com.mkyong.core; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Set; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; /** * Java : Get collection from MongoDB * */ public class GetCollectionApp { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo( " localhost " , 27017 ); DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); Set < String > collections = db.getCollectionNames(); for (String collectionName : collections) { System.out.println(collectionName); } DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " yourCollection " ); System.out.println(collection.toString()); System.out.println( " Done " );} catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Mongodb中如何插入数据
{ " database " : " mkyongDB " , " table " : " hosting " , " detail " : { records : 99 , index : " vps_index1 " , active : " true " } } }
BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " database " , " mkyongDB " ); document.put( " table " , " hosting " ); BasicDBObject documentDetail = new BasicDBObject(); documentDetail.put( " records " , " 99 " ); documentDetail.put( " index " , " vps_index1 " ); documentDetail.put( " active " , " true " ); document.put( " detail " , documentDetail); collection.insert(document); 第二种方法是使用BasicDBObjectBuilder对象,如下代码所示:
BasicDBObjectBuilder documentBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .add( " database " , " mkyongDB " ) .add( " table " , " hosting " ); BasicDBObjectBuilder documentBuilderDetail = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .add( " records " , " 99 " ) .add( " index " , " vps_index1 " ) .add( " active " , " true " ); documentBuilder.add( " detail " , documentBuilderDetail.get()); collection.insert(documentBuilder.get()); 第三种方法是使用Map对象,代码如下:
Map documentMap = new HashMap(); documentMap.put( " database " , " mkyongDB " ); documentMap.put( " table " , " hosting " ); Map documentMapDetail = new HashMap(); documentMapDetail.put( " records " , " 99 " ); documentMapDetail.put( " index " , " vps_index1 " ); documentMapDetail.put( " active " , " true " ); documentMap.put( " detail " , documentMapDetail); collection.insert( new BasicDBObject(documentMap)); 第四种方法,也就是最简单的,即直接插入JSON格式数据
String json = " {'database' : 'mkyongDB','table' : 'hosting', " + " 'detail' : {'records' : 99, 'index' : 'vps_index1', 'active' : 'true'}}} " ; DBObject dbObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(json); collection.insert(dbObject); 这里使用了JSON的parse方法,将解析后的JSON字符串转变为DBObject对象后再直接插入到collection中去。
packagecom.mkyong.core; importjava.net.UnknownHostException; importjava.util.HashMap; importjava.util.Map; importcom.mongodb.BasicDBObject; importcom.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder; importcom.mongodb.DB; importcom.mongodb.DBCollection; importcom.mongodb.DBCursor; importcom.mongodb.DBObject; importcom.mongodb.Mongo; importcom.mongodb.MongoException; importcom.mongodb.util.JSON; /** * Java MongoDB : Insert a Document * */ publicclass InsertDocumentApp { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){ try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo( " localhost " , 27017 ); DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); // get a single collection DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " dummyColl " ); // BasicDBObject example System.out.println( " BasicDBObject example... " ); BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " database " , " mkyongDB " ); document.put( " table " , " hosting " ); BasicDBObject documentDetail = new BasicDBObject(); documentDetail.put( " records " , " 99 " ); documentDetail.put( " index " , " vps_index1 " ); documentDetail.put( " active " , " true " ); document.put( " detail " , documentDetail); collection.insert(document); DBCursor cursorDoc = collection.find(); while (cursorDoc.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursorDoc.next()); } collection.remove( new BasicDBObject()); // BasicDBObjectBuilder example System.out.println( " BasicDBObjectBuilder example... " ); BasicDBObjectBuilder documentBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .add( " database " , " mkyongDB " ) .add( " table " , " hosting " ); BasicDBObjectBuilder documentBuilderDetail = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .add( " records " , " 99 " ) .add( " index " , " vps_index1 " ) .add( " active " , " true " ); documentBuilder.add( " detail " , documentBuilderDetail.get()); collection.insert(documentBuilder.get()); DBCursor cursorDocBuilder = collection.find(); while (cursorDocBuilder.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursorDocBuilder.next()); } collection.remove( new BasicDBObject()); // Map example System.out.println( " Map example... " ); Map documentMap = new HashMap(); documentMap.put( " database " , " mkyongDB " ); documentMap.put( " table " , " hosting " ); Map documentMapDetail = new HashMap(); documentMapDetail.put( " records " , " 99 " ); documentMapDetail.put( " index " , " vps_index1 " ); documentMapDetail.put( " active " , " true " ); documentMap.put( " detail " , documentMapDetail); collection.insert( new BasicDBObject(documentMap)); DBCursor cursorDocMap = collection.find(); while (cursorDocMap.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursorDocMap.next()); } collection.remove( new BasicDBObject()); // JSON parse example System.out.println( " JSON parse example... " ); String json = " {'database' : 'mkyongDB','table' : 'hosting', " + " 'detail' : {'records' : 99, 'index' : 'vps_index1', 'active' : 'true'}}} " ; DBObject dbObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(json); collection.insert(dbObject); DBCursor cursorDocJSON = collection.find(); while (cursorDocJSON.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursorDocJSON.next()); } collection.remove( new BasicDBObject()); } catch (UnknownHostException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostA " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 1000 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostB " , " type " : " dedicated server " , " clients " : 100 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostC " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 900 } 假设现在要将hosting中值为hostB的进行更新,则可以使用如下的方法:
BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject(); newDocument.put( " hosting " , " hostB " ); newDocument.put( " type " , " shared host " ); newDocument.put( " clients " , 111 ); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostB " ), newDocument); 可以看到,这里依然使用了BasicDBObject对象,并为其赋值了新的值后,然后使用collection的update方法,即可更新该对象。
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostA " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 1000 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostB " , " type " : " shared host " , " clients " : 111 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostC " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 900 } 另外,还可以使用mongodb中的$inc修饰符号去对某个值进行更新,比如,要将hosting值为hostB的document的clients的值得更新为199(即100+99=199),可以这样:
BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject().append( " $inc " , new BasicDBObject().append( " clients " , 99 )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostB " ), newDocument); 则输出如下:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostA " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 1000 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostB " , " type " : " dedicated server " , " clients " : 199 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostC " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 900 } 接下来,讲解$set修饰符的使用。比如要把hosting中值为hostA的document中的
BasicDBObject newDocument3 = new BasicDBObject().append( " $set " , new BasicDBObject().append( " type " , " dedicated server " )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostA " ), newDocument3); 则输出如下,把type的值从vps改为dedicated server:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostB " , " type " : " dedicated server " , " clients " : 100 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostC " , " type " : " vps " , " clients " : 900 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostA " , " clients " : 1000 , " type " : " dedicated server " } 要注意的是,如果不使用$set的修饰符,而只是如下代码:
BasicDBObject newDocument3 = new BasicDBObject().append( " type " , " dedicated server " ); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostA " ), newDocument3); 则会将所有的三个document的type类型都改为dedicated server了,因此要使用$set以更新特定的document的特定的值。
BasicDBObject updateQuery = new BasicDBObject().append( " $set " , new BasicDBObject().append( " clients " , " 888 " )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " type " , " vps " ), updateQuery, false , true ); 输出如下:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostA " , " clients " : " 888 " , " type " : " vps " } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostB " , " type " : " dedicated server " , " clients " : 100 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " x " } , " hosting " : " hostC " , " clients " : " 888 " , " type " : " vps " }
package com.liao; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; publicclass UpdateDocumentApp { publicstaticvoid printAllDocuments(DBCollection collection){ DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(cursor.next()); } } publicstaticvoid removeAllDocuments(DBCollection collection){ collection.remove( new BasicDBObject()); } publicstaticvoid insertDummyDocuments(DBCollection collection){ BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " hosting " , " hostA " ); document.put( " type " , " vps " ); document.put( " clients " , 1000 ); BasicDBObject document2 = new BasicDBObject(); document2.put( " hosting " , " hostB " ); document2.put( " type " , " dedicated server " ); document2.put( " clients " , 100 ); BasicDBObject document3 = new BasicDBObject(); document3.put( " hosting " , " hostC " ); document3.put( " type " , " vps " ); document3.put( " clients " , 900 ); collection.insert(document); collection.insert(document2); collection.insert(document3); } publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) { try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo( " localhost " , 27017 ); DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " dummyColl " ); System.out.println( " Testing 1... " ); insertDummyDocuments(collection); // find hosting = hostB, and update it with new document BasicDBObject newDocument = new BasicDBObject(); newDocument.put( " hosting " , " hostB " ); newDocument.put( " type " , " shared host " ); newDocument.put( " clients " , 111 ); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostB " ), newDocument); printAllDocuments(collection); removeAllDocuments(collection); System.out.println( " Testing 2... " ); insertDummyDocuments(collection); BasicDBObject newDocument2 = new BasicDBObject().append( " $inc " , new BasicDBObject().append( " clients " , 99 )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostB " ), newDocument2); printAllDocuments(collection); removeAllDocuments(collection); System.out.println( " Testing 3... " ); insertDummyDocuments(collection); BasicDBObject newDocument3 = new BasicDBObject().append( " $set " , new BasicDBObject().append( " type " , " dedicated server " )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " hosting " , " hostA " ), newDocument3); printAllDocuments(collection); removeAllDocuments(collection); System.out.println( " Testing 4... " ); insertDummyDocuments(collection); BasicDBObject updateQuery = new BasicDBObject().append( " $set " , new BasicDBObject().append( " clients " , " 888 " )); collection.update( new BasicDBObject().append( " type " , " vps " ), updateQuery, false , true ); printAllDocuments(collection); removeAllDocuments(collection); System.out.println( " Done " ); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i ++ ){ collection.insert( new BasicDBObject().append( " number " , i)); } 接下来,看下如下的例子:
1) 获得数据库中的第一个document:
DBObject doc = collection.findOne(); System.out.println(dbObject); 输出为:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80bd " } , " number " : 1 } 2)获得document的集合
DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 这里,使用collection.find()方法,获得当前数据库中所有的documents对象集合
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80bd " } , " number " : 1 } // ..........中间部分省略,为2到9的输出 { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c6 " } , " number " : 10 } 3) 获取指定的document
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put( " number " , 5 ); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 即输出:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c1 " } , " number " : 5 } 4) 使用in操作符号
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add( 9 ); list.add( 10 ); query.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $in " , list)); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 这里使用了一个List,并将list传入到BasicDBObject的构造函数中,并使用了in操作符号,输出如下:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c5 " } , " number " : 9 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c6 " } , " number " : 10 }
5) 使用>,<等比较符号
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $gt " , 5 )); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 输出如下:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c2 " } , " number " : 6 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c3 " } , " number " : 7 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c4 " } , " number " : 8 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c5 " } , " number " : 9 } { " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc7f7b7bd0fb9a86c6c80c6 " } , " number " : 10 } 也可以多个比较符号一起使用,比如要输出number > 5和number < 8的document,则如下: BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $gt " , 5 ).append( " $lt " , 8 )); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 同样,如果是不等于的关系的话,可以使用$ne操作符,如下:
BasicDBObject query5 = new BasicDBObject(); query5.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $ne " , 8 )); DBCursor cursor6 = collection.find(query5); while (cursor6.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor6.next()); } 以上输出number=8之外的所有document。
1) 删除第一个document
DBObject doc = collection.findOne(); collection.remove(doc); 2) 删除指定的document
BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " number " , 2 ); collection.remove(document); 要注意的是,如下的方法将只会删除number=3的document。
BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put( " number " , 2 ); document.put( " number " , 3 ); collection.remove(document);
3) 使用in 操作符号指定删除document
BasicDBObject query2 = new BasicDBObject(); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add( 4 ); list.add( 5 ); query2.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $in " , list)); collection.remove(query2); 4) 使用“$gt”删除大于某个值的document
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put( " number " , new BasicDBObject( " $gt " , 9 )); collection.remove(query); 以上会删除number=10的document。
5) 删除所有的document
DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()){ collection.remove(cursor.next()); } 保存图片到Mongodb
下面将讲解如何使用Java MongoDB GridFS API去保存图片等二进制文件到Monodb,关于Java MongoDB GridFS API的详细论述,请参考http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/GridFS+Specification
String newFileName = " mkyong-java-image " ; File imageFile = newFile( " c:\\JavaWebHosting.png " ); GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, " photo " ); GridFSInputFile gfsFile = gfsPhoto.createFile(imageFile); gfsFile.setFilename(newFileName); gfsFile.save(); 这里,将c盘下的JavaWebHosting.png保存到mongodb中去,并命名为mkyong-java-image。
2) 读取图片信息
String newFileName = " mkyong-java-image " ; GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, " photo " ); GridFSDBFile imageForOutput = gfsPhoto.findOne(newFileName); System.out.println(imageForOutput); 将会输出JSON格式的结果;
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc9511a14a7d017fee35746 " } , " chunkSize " : 262144 , " length " : 22672 , " md5 " : " 1462a6cfa27669af1d8d21c2d7dd1f8b " , " filename " : " mkyong-java-image " , " contentType " : null , " uploadDate " : { " $date " : " 2011-05-10T14:52:10Z " } , " aliases " : null } 可以看到,输出的是文件的属性相关信息。
3) 输出已保存的所有图片
GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, " photo " ); DBCursor cursor = gfsPhoto.getFileList(); while (cursor.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursor.next()); } 4) 从数据库中读取一张图片并另存
String newFileName = " mkyong-java-image " ; GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, " photo " ); GridFSDBFile imageForOutput = gfsPhoto.findOne(newFileName); imageForOutput.writeTo( " c:\\JavaWebHostingNew.png " ); 5) 删除图片
String newFileName = " mkyong-java-image " ; GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, " photo " ); gfsPhoto.remove(gfsPhoto.findOne(newFileName)); 如何将JSON数据格式转化为DBObject格式
在mongodb中,可以使用com.mongodb.util.JSON类,将JSON格式的字符串转变为DBObject对象。MongoDB for JAVA驱动中提供了用于向数据库中存储普通对象的接口DBObject,当一个文档从MongoDB中取出时,它会自动把文档转换成DBObject接口类型,要将它实例化为需要的对象。比如:
{ ' name ' : ' mkyong ' , ' age ' : 30 } 这样的JSON格式字符串,转换方法为:
DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse( " {'name':'mkyong', 'age':30} " ); 完整的代码如下:
packagecom.mkyong.core; importjava.net.UnknownHostException; importcom.mongodb.DB; importcom.mongodb.DBCollection; importcom.mongodb.DBCursor; importcom.mongodb.DBObject; importcom.mongodb.Mongo; importcom.mongodb.MongoException; importcom.mongodb.util.JSON; /** * Java MongoDB : Convert JSON data to DBObject * */ publicclass App { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){ try { Mongo mongo = new Mongo( " localhost " , 27017 ); DB db = mongo.getDB( " yourdb " ); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection( " dummyColl " ); DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON .parse( " {'name':'mkyong', 'age':30} " ); collection.insert(dbObject); DBCursor cursorDoc = collection.find(); while (cursorDoc.hasNext()){ System.out.println(cursorDoc.next()); } System.out.println( " Done " ); } catch (UnknownHostException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } 则输出为:
{ " _id " : { " $oid " : " 4dc9ebb5237f275c2fe4959f " } , " name " : " mkyong " , " age " : 30 } 可以看到,将JSON格式的数据类型直接转换为mongodb中的文档类型并输出。
本文学习了如何使用Mongodb for JAVA驱动,对mongodb进行日常的数据库操作,比如增加,删除和修改,下一篇教程中,将指导学习Spring对mongodb的操作